© Domain Concepts 2011
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A well known financial institution was experiencing a dramatic increase in customer demand. This put a strain on their
infrastructure and operational resources that dealt with customers. Investigations showed that the increase in customer
transactions were in the main from concerned investors and were due to market driven fluctuations on the value of
some of the core products. An enhanced self service strategy was seen as a mechanism to successfully deal with this
increased customer demand. This would enable customers to access the information that they required quickly, at their
convenience, as well as reducing customer transaction costs. Domain Concepts was engaged in order to help to
define the roadmap for this self service vision and deliver a solution that would enable this vision to become reality.
The roadmap was defined by determining the business processes that would be included in the roadmap phases, the
current applications that supported these business processes and the technical architecture that supported these
business processes. This was carried out through a number of iterative workshops, taking people from the areas of the
organisation that carried out these business processes. The team was made up of visionaries, skilled operational
subject matter experts (SMEs) and members of the roadmap delivery team.
Once the initial investigation was complete and the current landscape was understood, the roadmap was defined. This
was defined as a number of steps, each providing business benefit, building on the previous step and each step
increasing in risk and cost to the business. Each step described the impacts on business processes, applications and
technical infrastructure, people and operational impacts.
Once the roadmap was complete, the solution for the first step in the roadmap was defined using a series of iterative
workshops. Once the detailed requirements and solution were defined, the business, technical and application
components were built through a series of iterative and incremental design, build and test stages, until the solution
deemed acceptable by the business. The solution was then delivered into the operational environment alongside the
supporting people, process and organisational changes.