A well known media company initiated a far reaching CRM change programme. This CRM programme affected people, processes, technology and other assets within the company. The focus of this programme was to increase current customer retention through more personalised service provision and to increase current market share through new customer initiatives. Domain Concepts was engaged to help define the business vision and deliver a solution that would enable this vision to become reality. The business and technical vision was defined through a number of iterative workshops, taking people from all areas of the organisation that would understand the effects of the vision on the current organisation and also the future requirements the vision would require from the organisation. The team was made up of visionaries, skilled operational subject matter experts (SMEs) and members of the CRM programme delivery team. Once the vision was completed, the high level business and technical solution to support the vision was defined using a series of iterative workshops. These each had a defined scope used to ensure the appropriate solution would be obtained. Following on from the finalisation of the overall solution further work was required to define the detailed requirements and solution using a series of Joint Application Development (JAD) workshops. This was carried out for each of the application architecture components, one of which being the call centre based application suite, using a Chordiant Technologies based framework solution. Once the detailed requirements and solution were defined, the business, technical and application components were built through a series of iterative and incremental design, build and test stages until the solution deemed acceptable by the business. The solution was then delivered into the operational environment alongside the supporting people, process and organisational changes. © Domain Concepts 2011 Made with Xara